I already puslished a blog post concerning policy-based routing on a Juniper firewall within the same virtual router (VR). For some reasons, I was not able to configure PBR correctly when using multiple VRs. Now it works. So, here are the required steps:
(This document from Juniper explains it all. I just made a few screenshots.)
My lab looks like that:
The steps are quite similar to the PBR guide without multiple VRs. However, the “action group” must be set WITHOUT a “next-interface”. This CANNOT be done through the WebGUI, because it ALWAYS sets the “next-interface”, even if the checkmark is not checked! You MUST use the CLI such as this:
set vrouter trust-vr action-group name Action-Surf-DSL set vrouter trust-vr action-group Action-Surf-DSL next-hop action-entry 1
After this, the WebGUI correctly shows this entry without the next-interface. There is a “Note” on the Juniper page that exactly describes this for early ScreenOS 5.3/5.4 versions. However, in my current 6.3.0.r19 version, this is still the case. Furthermore, instead of the self-referenced host route I am using a default route ( to the next-hop value, since it actually is my default router. With this default route, the PBR on the trust-vr works even without this so called self-referenced host route inside the untrust-vr. (Of course, there might be scenarios in which the next-hop value is not the default router. In these situations, you must configure this self-referenced host route.)
Here we go. Refer to the descriptions under the screenshots for more details:

The complete CLI commands (without policies/NAT) are the following:
set vrouter "untrust-vr" set route interface ethernet0/3 gateway permanent exit set vrouter "trust-vr" set access-list extended 1 src-ip dst-ip dst-port 80-80 protocol tcp entry 1 set access-list extended 1 src-ip dst-ip dst-port 443-443 protocol tcp entry 2 set access-list extended 1 src-ip dst-port 30001-30005 protocol tcp entry 3 set access-list extended 1 src-ip dst-port 33002-33002 protocol tcp entry 4 set match-group name Match-Surf-DSL set match-group Match-Surf-DSL ext-acl 1 match-entry 1 set action-group name Action-Surf-DSL set action-group Action-Surf-DSL next-hop action-entry 1 set pbr policy name Policy-Surf-DSL set pbr policy Policy-Surf-DSL match-group Match-Surf-DSL action-group Action-Surf-DSL 1 exit set interface ethernet0/5.10 pbr Policy-Surf-DSL