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Basic BIND Installation

Basic BIND Installation - featured image

This is a basic tutorial on how to install BIND, the Berkeley Internet Name Domain server, on a Ubuntu server in order to run it as an authoritative DNS server. It differs from other tutorials because I am using three servers (one as a hidden primary and two slaves as the public accessible ones), as well as some security such as denying recursive lookups and public zone transfers, as well as using TSIG for authenticating internal zone transfers. That is, this post is not an absolute beginner’s guide.

The basic environment looks like that. Note that I am showing my real IP addresses. Don’t be confused about that and change them to your IPs accordingly:

BIND weberdns.de Servers Master and Slaves

Some notes about the installation of the servers:

  • My domain for these test servers is weberdns.de.
  • The main motivation for the hidden primary approach comes from DNSSEC (will be published later), in which I am managing the keys only on the hidden primary but not on the slaves. No single access is possible from the public Internet to this server.
  • I am using only the private IPv4 or global IPv6 addresses through site-to-site VPN tunnels in order to transfer the zones between the DNS servers. This brings encryption when traversing the Internet, as well as appropriate security policies on the intermediate firewalls.
  • By default, each server sends notifications to all other NS servers in case of a zone change. In my case, the notifications are set to “explicit” to only notify the private IPv4 addresses specified in the zone configuration “also-notify { };” and not the public ones.
  • TSIG is used in order to authenticate the zone transfers (even though not really mandatory since I am using VPN tunnels anyway). For each slave, I am using an unique key.
  • Public zone transfers (AXFR) are disabled globally. Only servers that authenticated with their key within the “allow-transfer { };” statement are allowed to transfer the zone.
  • Per-zone statistics are enabled on all servers.
  • I am using Ubuntu servers version 14.04 LTS either on VMs or on hardware. Of course they have static (NATted) IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. The bind9 package from Ubuntu at the time of writing is version 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.8-Ubuntu (June 2016).

BIND Installation

To install the BIND package simply use the following two statements:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install bind9

All configuration files are stored in the folder


The started process is called “named“. It listens on udp and tcp port 53, each for IPv4 and IPv6:

weberjoh@jw-vm07-ns1:~$ sudo netstat -tulpen | grep named
tcp        0      0*               LISTEN      106        480821      4703/named
tcp        0      0  *               LISTEN      106        480819      4703/named
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN      106        480822      4703/named
tcp6       0      0 :::53                   :::*                    LISTEN      106        480814      4703/named
tcp6       0      0 ::1:953                 :::*                    LISTEN      106        480823      4703/named
udp        0      0*                           106        480820      4703/named
udp        0      0  *                           106        480818      4703/named
udp6       0      0 :::53                   :::*                                106        480813      4703/named

To view syslog messages, grep for the “named” process:

tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep named



The master server is the one on which the zone files are maintained. At first, some options are set to secure the authoritative server. These are set within the named.conf.options file (in the /etc/bind/ folder).

sudo nano named.conf.options

Add the following options:

// per zone statistics
	zone-statistics yes;

	// no recursion at all
	recursion no;

	// no transfer afxr by default
	allow-transfer { "none"; };

	// no notify to other NS RRs
	// notify only to also-notify IPs
	notify explicit;

Then, add a zone statement inside the named.conf.local file:

sudo nano named.conf.local

In my case a zone weberdns.de of type master. The allow-transfer statement lists the two slave servers that should be able to transfer the zone. Similarly the also-notify statement lists the slaves, too, in order to notify them in case of a zone update.

zone "weberdns.de" {
        type master;
        file "/etc/bind/db.weberdns.de";
        allow-transfer { 2003:51:6012:110::a07:53;; };
        also-notify { 2003:51:6012:110::a07:53;; };

Finally, the zone file must be created. I am using the template from Hetzner. All relevant statements are already explained there, so I won’t repeat them here.

sudo nano db.weberdns.de

This is my basic zone file. The SOA record starts with “ns1.weberdns.de”. There are two NS records (ns1. and ns2.) for this domain, as well as an MX record. Some examples of A, AAAA, CNAME, and TXT records are also shown. And remember to increment the serial number after each modification of the zone file! 😉

; BIND data file for weberdns.de
$TTL    1h
@       IN      SOA     ns1.weberdns.de. webmaster.weberdns.de. (
                     2016051804         ; Serial
                             1h         ; Refresh
                            15m         ; Retry
                             4w         ; Expire
                             3m )       ; Negative Cache TTL
@       IN      NS      ns1.weberdns.de.
@       IN      NS      ns2.weberdns.de.
@       IN      MX 10   mail.weberdns.de.

fg              IN      A
                IN      AAAA    2003:51:6012::4
ip              IN      CNAME   ip.webernetz.net.
mail            IN      A
                IN      AAAA    2003:51:6012:110::15
ns1             IN      A
                IN      AAAA    2003:51:6012:110::a07:53
ns2             IN      A
pa              IN      A
                IN      AAAA    2003:51:6012::2
txt             IN      TXT     "This is a text."
www             IN      CNAME   blog.webernetz.net.

After these steps, the BIND server must be restarted for all changes to work:

sudo service bind9 restart

A check of the configuration can be done with 

named-checkconf -z
  . If no errors occur, everything works fine.

For updates of the zone file, a reload of BIND fits. No restart is required. The reload can be triggered by either one of these two commands:

sudo service bind9 reload
sudo rndc reload

A basic test can be done with the dig tool, such as:

weberjoh@jw-vm16-ns0:/etc/bind$ dig @localhost fg.weberdns.de

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.8-Ubuntu <<>> @localhost fg.weberdns.de
; (2 servers found)
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 44847
;; flags: qr aa rd; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 2, ADDITIONAL: 4
;; WARNING: recursion requested but not available

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 4096
;fg.weberdns.de.                        IN      A

fg.weberdns.de.         3600    IN      A

weberdns.de.            3600    IN      NS      ns2.weberdns.de.
weberdns.de.            3600    IN      NS      ns1.weberdns.de.

ns1.weberdns.de.        3600    IN      A
ns1.weberdns.de.        3600    IN      AAAA    2003:51:6012:110::a07:53
ns2.weberdns.de.        3600    IN      A

;; Query time: 3 msec
;; SERVER: ::1#53(::1)
;; WHEN: Wed May 18 16:02:11 CEST 2016
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 155

Note the “aa” flag in line 8 which indicates that this is an “authoritative answer”.

To view the statistics, run 

sudo rndc stats
  in order to dump the stats into the following file:
cat /var/cache/bind/named.stats
. The new statistics are always appended to this file and are listed between the following strings, while the number in brackets is the unixtime:
+++ Statistics Dump +++ (1471872885)
--- Statistics Dump --- (1471872885)

Great so far. 😉


The two slave servers are installed in the same way as the primary. The additional options should be the following (

sudo nano named.conf.options
// per zone statistics
	zone-statistics yes;

	// no recursion at all
	recursion no;

	// no transfer afxr by default
	allow-transfer { "none"; };

	// no NOTIFY to NS RRs
	notify no;

Note that it is REALLY crucial to put in these lines, at least the “allow-transfer none” one. Otherwise the zone is fully loadable through an axfr request. (A painful mistake is to only place this statement at the hidden primary but to forget it on the slave units.)

Now, the only portion to configure in order to be a slave is inside the named.conf.local file.

sudo nano named.conf.local

In my case, it only lists the following lines:

zone "weberdns.de" {
	type slave;
	file "db.weberdns.de";
	masters {; };

After a restart of the service (

sudo service bind9 restart
 ), everything is ready. Asking the localhost should work, e.g.:
dig @localhost mail.weberdns.de

The resource records are stored in the following path:

. Note that these files are not readable, but can be converted into a textfile with:
named-compilezone -f raw -j -F text -o ~/db.weberdns.de.txt weberdns.de /var/cache/bind/db.weberdns.de

This reads the raw database (-f raw) and includes the journal file (-j). It outputs text (-F text) into the file (-o outputfilename). With 

cat db.weberdns.de.txt
   you can see your RRs.

Parent Zone: Glue Records

To become the authoritative servers, the names and/or IP addresses of the nameservers must be configured at the parent zone, in my case the DENIC which is responsible for *.de. They offer a good online check for domain servers (Nameserver Predelegation Check Web Interface) which tests the nameservers to see if everything is accessible (firewalls with udp/tcp port 53) and configured correctly (SOA record values, …). In my case, this looks like that:

DENIC NAST Test weberdns.de

Since my NS servers for “weberdns.de” are called “ns1.weberdns.de” and “ns2.weberdns.de”, (which won’t be resolvable if only these FQDNs are known), the entries for these nameservers are stored with their glue records, i.e., the name and the IP addresses.

After this step was done, a whois for weberdns.de looks like:

weberjoh@jw-nb12:~$ whois weberdns.de

Domain: weberdns.de
Nserver: ns1.weberdns.de 2003:51:6012:110:0:0:a07:53
Nserver: ns2.weberdns.de
Status: connect
Changed: 2016-05-17T17:01:42+02:00

The Internet is now able to ask my two slave name servers for everything ending with .weberdns.de. Great again. This can easily be tested with dig +trace from any machine that has Internet access, e.g.:

dig www.weberdns.de +trace

Zone Transfers

At first, it is crucial to test that zone transfers of your servers are not available from the Internet. The Zone Transfer Online Test can be used for this purpose. This should fail because the “allow-transfer” options are already configured for both server types, master and slaves. Here is a sample of my domain:

Zone Transfer Online Test

Dig can be used to test the zone transfers, too, such as:

dig @ns1.weberdns.de weberdns.de axfr

Of course, this command will/must work if it is issued from one of the slaves and directed to the master, in my case:

dig @ weberdns.de axfr

To authenticate the zone transfers, TSIG can be used. (This won’t be needed in my case, because I am already using private site-to-site VPNs for the connections between my servers. However. ;)) With TSIG, a shared secret is configured on any server pair (master to slave1, and master to slave2). Only if this “password” is present, the slave is able to transfer the zone. Note that this is not encryption (confidentiality), but only authentication.

At first, the keys must be generated. Note the last option which is the key-name, in this example case “key-ns1”:

dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom -a HMAC-SHA256 -b 256 -n HOST key-ns1

I am using two different keys for both slave servers. That is, I generated the following keys. Note that the key values in both files (*.key and *.private) are the same keys. (And no, these are not my actual keys, but only demos):

weberjoh@jw-nb12:~/temp$ dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom -a HMAC-SHA256 -b 256 -n HOST key-ns1
weberjoh@jw-nb12:~/temp$ ls
Kkey-ns1.+163+21468.key  Kkey-ns1.+163+21468.private
weberjoh@jw-nb12:~/temp$ cat Kkey-ns1.+163+21468.key
key-ns1. IN KEY 512 3 163 32r25Nl7WKMw4AU0QSNC67NHsxE0ZNeJ+POe624fE2E=
weberjoh@jw-nb12:~/temp$ cat Kkey-ns1.+163+21468.private
Private-key-format: v1.3
Algorithm: 163 (HMAC_SHA256)
Key: 32r25Nl7WKMw4AU0QSNC67NHsxE0ZNeJ+POe624fE2E=
Bits: AAA=
Created: 20160519071805
Publish: 20160519071805
Activate: 20160519071805

weberjoh@jw-nb12:~/temp$ dnssec-keygen -r /dev/urandom -a HMAC-SHA256 -b 256 -n HOST key-ns2
weberjoh@jw-nb12:~/temp$ cat Kkey-ns2.+163+35812.key
key-ns2. IN KEY 512 3 163 QZlvozBRA1dGQ2DlIRh90X7kryXjihuDntrl9hEjmD0=
weberjoh@jw-nb12:~/temp$ cat Kkey-ns2.+163+35812.private
Private-key-format: v1.3
Algorithm: 163 (HMAC_SHA256)
Key: QZlvozBRA1dGQ2DlIRh90X7kryXjihuDntrl9hEjmD0=
Bits: AAA=
Created: 20160519071831
Publish: 20160519071831
Activate: 20160519071831

On the master server, open the named.conf file and add both keys one for each slave, such as:

key key-ns1 {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
        secret "32r25Nl7WKMw4AU0QSNC67NHsxE0ZNeJ+POe624fE2E=";

key key-ns2 {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
        secret "QZlvozBRA1dGQ2DlIRh90X7kryXjihuDntrl9hEjmD0=";

Furthermore, open the named.conf.local and change the “allow-transfer” statement to only allow connections with these keys. The IP addresses from the servers must be omitted, for example, comment them out. Otherwise, connections from this IP addresses will still be possible without the key:

//      allow-transfer { 2003:51:6012:110::a07:53;; };
        allow-transfer { key key-ns1; key key-ns2; };

Same procedure on both slaves, of course only with the single needed key, e.g., key-ns1 and key-ns2. Furthermore, the “server” statement must be configured. Open the named.conf on the first slave, ns1, and add these lines:

key key-ns1 {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
        secret "32r25Nl7WKMw4AU0QSNC67NHsxE0ZNeJ+POe624fE2E=";

server 2003:51:6012:120::a16:53 {
        keys { key-ns1; };

And similarly on ns2:

key key-ns2 {
        algorithm hmac-sha256;
        secret "QZlvozBRA1dGQ2DlIRh90X7kryXjihuDntrl9hEjmD0=";

server {
        keys { key-ns2; };

Now, restart all bind services 

sudo service bind9 restart
  and you’re done.

A dig test w/o the key will not work anymore:

weberjoh@jw-vm07-ns1:~$ dig @ weberdns.de axfr

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.8-Ubuntu <<>> @ weberdns.de axfr
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
; Transfer failed.

But with the key (-y option), the zone transfer works again:

weberjoh@jw-vm07-ns1:~$ dig @ -y hmac-sha256:key-ns1:32r25Nl7WKMw4AU0QSNC67NHsxE0ZNeJ+POe624fE2E= weberdns.de axfr

; <<>> DiG 9.9.5-3ubuntu0.8-Ubuntu <<>> @ -y hmac-sha256 weberdns.de axfr
; (1 server found)
;; global options: +cmd
weberdns.de.            3600    IN      SOA     ns1.weberdns.de. webmaster.weberdns.de. 2016051804 14400 1800 604800 180
weberdns.de.            3600    IN      NS      ns1.weberdns.de.
weberdns.de.            3600    IN      NS      ns2.weberdns.de.
weberdns.de.            3600    IN      MX      10 mail.weberdns.de.

Note the different syslog messages (captured on the slave) for the following three scenarios:

### Syslog Messages notify + zone transfer (w/o TSIG)
weberjoh@jw-nb13-ns2:~$ tail -100 /var/log/syslog | grep named
May 18 10:15:50 jw-nb13 named[2436]: client received notify for zone 'weberdns.de'
May 18 10:15:50 jw-nb13 named[2436]: zone weberdns.de/IN: Transfer started.
May 18 10:15:50 jw-nb13 named[2436]: transfer of 'weberdns.de/IN' from connected using
May 18 10:15:50 jw-nb13 named[2436]: zone weberdns.de/IN: transferred serial 2016051801
May 18 10:15:50 jw-nb13 named[2436]: transfer of 'weberdns.de/IN' from Transfer completed: 1 messages, 14 records, 1408 bytes, 0.128 secs (11000 bytes/sec)

### Syslog with TSIG on the master but currently not on the slave
May 18 11:14:48 jw-nb13 named[2436]: client request has invalid signature: TSIG key-ns2: tsig verify failure (BADKEY)

### Syslog with TSIG correctly on both, master and slave. Note the "TSIG 'key-ns2'" statements:
May 18 11:30:39 jw-nb13 named[2928]: client key-ns2: received notify for zone 'weberdns.de': TSIG 'key-ns2'
May 18 11:30:39 jw-nb13 named[2928]: zone weberdns.de/IN: Transfer started.
May 18 11:30:39 jw-nb13 named[2928]: transfer of 'weberdns.de/IN' from connected using
May 18 11:30:39 jw-nb13 named[2928]: zone weberdns.de/IN: transferred serial 2016051803: TSIG 'key-ns2'
May 18 11:30:39 jw-nb13 named[2928]: transfer of 'weberdns.de/IN' from Transfer completed: 1 messages, 14 records, 1420 bytes, 0.141 secs (10070 bytes/sec)

Finally, here are some Wireshark screenshots for different notifies and zone transfers, with and without TSIG. See the descriptions beneath them for more details:

Zone Change Notification from the master to the slave. And the incremental zone transfer IXFR without TSIG. A complete zone transfer (tested with dig axfr) requires lots of messages. A zone transfer initiated from the slave with TSIG. Note the additional key record at the end.

That’s it. Hope this helps.


Other BIND tutorials are here or here [DE]. The following links are more specific ones:

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